
Gesuino's Family

Footnotes: Verified with original documents from Archivio di Stato di Teramo and Comune di Margherita di Savoia
Gesuini( Mortle Giulisalemme??- not a legal name)) DeLaurentis was born in Villa Collevirtú,Civitella del Tronto,
Provincia di Teramo, Regione Abruzzo, Italy 64010
Arrived in Philadelphia, US July 20, 1915 on SS Ancona, departed fron Naples, Italy
Gesuini Mortle Giulisalemme DeLaurentis' mother and father were Domenico DeLaurentiis and Marianna (Massi)
from Collevirtú, Provincia TeramoAbruzzi, Italy. Married July 6, 1893 - Civitella del Tronto
Domenico Simone Gaspare DeLaurentiis born 1858? (could not locate birth certiificate in years 1857-60)
Domenico DeLaurentiis mother was Filomena Massi also residing at Colle Luong, Collevirtu
Domenico DeLaurentiis father was Matteo DeLaurentis, resided at Colle Luongo, Collevirtú
in 1816 a son Luigi was born to a Domenico DeLaurentis and Maria Pizzi of Villa Collevirtu
this Don Luigi Baltassare Teodoro DeLaurentis became a priest and died in 1891 (death certificate says age 75)
Roberto DeLaurentis,in Monterotondo (nr Rome) son of Rosina, Gesuino's niece, has the ORIGINAL missal (see image file)
I believe this Domenico was also Matteo's father and thus my great-great-great grandfather, but as yet we could not locate
the certificate to verify.
Marianna Massi born Januray 17, 1874, Mucciano (Civitella del Tronto) , Teramo
Marianna Massi's father was Giacomo Giovanni Massi (born 1822 in Mucciano),
Marianna Massi'smother was Rosa Sardella (48 yrs old when Marianna was born- born 1826?)

Domenico & Marianna's Marriage Certificate

Domenico & Marianna's Marriage Certificate

Lena's Birth certificate 1893


Gesuino's birth certificate

Joyce,Mark & Dom with Rosina & family

Maria & Dom in Collevirtu'


Luigi? Italy?

Luigi DeLaurentis death certificate 1891

Marianna Massi 1933

Marianna Massi ID card 1933

Marianna Massi's birth certificate

Dilaurentis wedding

Dilaurentis wedding

Baptism of Gesuini children

The last 3 pictures shown above were obtained in Italy from Rosina copies taken by Mark DeLaurentis on his iphone.

The group wedding picture shows Luigi DiLaurentis top right and Marianni Massi (Luigi's mother) in front of him.

Baptism picture:

back row left to right

1 ?

2 Philip Leon store owner in Delair NJ

3 Luigi DiLaurentis (DeLaurentis)

4 Angelina (Dipace) DeLaurentis mother of the baptized

5 Gesuini DeLaurentis father of the baptized

6 Toby (Tobia) Caprarola (Franco and Lena's son)

7 Franco Caprarola

Middle row adults left to right:

1 ? wife #1 above

2 wife of Philip Leon above

3 Lena Luigi DiLaurentis wife

4 Daughter of Franco and Lena Caprarola

5 Lena (DeLaurentis) Caprarola (Gesuni's sister)

1st row children of Gesuini and Angelina left to right

1 Mary

2 Anthony

3 Dora

4 Elenora

5 Dominick