One of my Blunders


When you plan, plan thoroughly, leaving no details to chance if you can help it, especially when you are making arrangements for your honeymoon. I have found this to be true the hard way.


Our trouble started when my wife Rose suggested that we should make a reservation at one of the better hotels in Philadelphia for the night of the wedding. I thought we should drive toward the Poconos that night and stopped at some motel along the way. Rose didn't like the idea but she finally agreed reluctantly.


It was around 1130 the night of our wedding when we were packing our final goods. While packing I made another bad mistake probably just as bad as turning down the hotel reservation suggestion. Rose said that we should take our marriage license. "Are we going to carry our marriage license every place we go" I asked. I didn't see the need so again my wife gave in, much to my regret a little waiter. The


Around 12:45 AM, we left my in-laws home. We were tired. The first thought that came to me was a motel not 10 miles away. When we pulled in, the place was dimly lighted. I looked around and went to what looked like the office and knocked on a door. A few minutes later a sleepy looking lady about 35-year-old, her hair completely disarranged, came to the door. She seemed a bit annoyed that one would bother her at that time in the morning. I tried a faint smile and asked if we could have a cabin for the night, explaining that we were newlyweds. She looked around and pointing to my car, she asked if it was mine. Yes I said "it's my car". The lady then asked if we had a marriage license. "Not with me". I answered. "But you can see that the rice and confetti in my wife's hair! There is no question we're married". "I'm sorry", she said "there is a law that says a motel cannot accept any couple would in a 20 mile radius unless the guests can prove they're married."


With a great deal of disappointment after practically begging the lady to let us in, we left. We drove toward the Poconos. The road was absolutely desolate, almost frightening. After what seemed to be hours, I saw a police station and decided to ask for help. I will never forget how much fun the police had; what kind of fool would get married and not have a place to sleep! The sergeant, after having a good deal of fun, called a number of lodging places and finally made an arrangement for us. All the time my wife was making believe she was asleep to avoid all the embarrassment. When we arrived at the place, I was shocked at the sight but we were hardly in a position of turning it down.


The room was small and dingy. It had a cloth partition hanging from the ceiling. On the other side was a greasy dirty two burner gas stove. In the center of the room hung from a long cord was a bear low wattage bulb. There was one window with paper shade which also was soiled. The bathroom was just down the hall, in the hall. It was partitioned off with a cheap pressed paperboard wall and contained only a hopper. While in the room, we could hear the person in the next room tossing and turning. The bed was much too soft and squeaky. What a night!


The following day we couldn't leave soon enough. While driving away, my wife looked at me and said with a smile "I hate to say it, but I told you so".